The First, The Best, and Still the Favorite

The First, The Best, and Still the Favorite

Have you ever had one of those days that just does not seem to go right? You wake up to find the dog has left a “gift” for you in the middle of the floor, the newspaper (if you still get one) is missing the sports section, and whoever drank the last of the milk put the carton back into the fridge – empty.

That was our experience when we found another company taking credit for our Food and Beverage Award for Innovation. If you have never heard of these, they are a pretty big deal and are given to products that tap into the current thought process and improve the flavor, health or benefits of food across the globe (check out the 2020 winners here – we particularly like the Beyond Meat Breakfast Sausage and the Caulipower Chicken Tenders. New brands blazing trails forward!!).


These awards were established in 2011, and a new company that was changing how meat could be enjoyed at home was recognized with one of the inaugural awards. That’s right – UMAi Dry was recognized for our breakthrough technology, making the creation of dry aged steak safer, easier and available to anyone in the restaurant business or at home. Justifiably, we are proud to be recognized (especially as we were a fledgling company back then), and we continue to be proud of what we do to help people enjoy the best meat and sausage experiences available. It is unfortunate that other companies are claiming they won this award when UMAi Dry is the only company to have won this particular award.


So, what have we done since then? Grown!!! We have sold enough of our product to wrap around the world a time or two, helped enough people prepare and cook great meat, and probably even helped a few proposals along after that very special awards dinner. We have even expanded into Salumi and Charcuterie - so anyone can create an incredible charcuterie platter!

For restaurants, we continue to support both meat distributors who prize dry-aged beef for their customers (we did a recent study and found that by dry-aging a ribeye, a restaurateur can increase ROI by almost 2x by aging their own sub-primal). For those playing at home, buying a perfectly aged steak is pretty difficult – and now you can experience a 5x better value by aging at home than by going out.

How do we know we are still the best? Science – when we received the award, it was not simply because we had a good idea. We explored the science behind dry-aging and dry-aged steaks, behind various substrates and how they “breathe” (oxygen in, moisture out) to create the perfect environment for developing flavor, tenderizing various cuts (check out this video of one of our supporters as he prepares a Chuck Roast/Steak sub-primal for a sous vide preparation: Chef Guga - Sous Vide Everything), and safely aging meat (or Salumi) in either your refrigerator or the common refrigerator in a commercial kitchen. The beauty of our “membrane” is that your flavor stays uncontaminated from other items around your dry-aging beauty.

Our products have become so popular, we have even spawned a Facebook Group solely for UMAi Dry users – run by one of our fans (~4,500 members). This is in addition to our own Facebook presence where we have more than 17,000 followers (checkout our Facebook page here).

We have seen a lot of comparisons to our membrane and system, but none offer the safety, performance or total value that the UMAi Dry-Aging System does. Are we proud of what we have done to help people like you enjoy a better cut of meat (or Charcuterie or Salumi)? Absolutely. But we are also worried about the experience each and every one of our customers has – and for that, we want to make sure that every time you see UMAi Dry, you think about quality, safety, flavor, and, most importantly, the experience you want to have while creating or preparing one of the products our system can produce.


Accept no substitutes. The award-winning, first of its kind and still the champ for properly aging your meat, charcuterie or sausage. UMAi Dry – helping people like you since 2007 with our award-winning system.