Meathead Talks: Myth: Stabbing Meat with a Thermometer, Fork, or Knife Will Drain it of Vital Juices

Meathead Talks - Myth: Stabbing Meat with a Thermometer, Fork, or Knife Will Drain it of Vital Juices

Welcome to Meathead Talks, a series of curated articles from AmazingRibs on everything from kitchen science to myth busting to tips for upping your grill game. All articles are written by the Meathead, a brilliant chef and self-proclaimed Barbecue Whisperer whose culinary word are heeded as gospel in many circles.

Is stabbing your steak with a thermometer pointless meat cruelty? Does "stick a fork in it" truly signal the end of your carefully dry aged steak's juiciness? After carefully aging steak in a dry aging bag, will you ruin it by poking it? Meathead says, "No!"

Read his time-tested and proven explanation to learn:
  1. Why puncturing your dry aged steak with a thermometer or fork will NOT cause it to bleed out.
  2. Why the color you see can be inaccurate in judging whether meat is done.
  3. Why a good digital thermometer is best for determining doneness of your dry aged steak.

Read and heed the full article Myth: Stabbing Meat with a Thermometer, Fork or Knife Will Drain it of Vital Juices on

After you've debunked the stabbing myth, check out the article links that follow it. The very first link, "Resting Meat: Why I think it is a mistake" is jam-packed with really critical information for steak lovers -- including some convincing words on the robust merits of dry aged steaks and all dry aged meats.
As you probably know, crafting dry aged steak with a dry aging bag is the easiest, most convenient, least costly way to dry age beef.  Umai Dry originated the method so you can skip the expensive steak house.
Meathead's "Resting Meat" blog will explain:
  1. The difference between resting meat and holding meat.
  2. The many factors that impact juiciness.
  3. How sous vide method demonstrates the weak connection between water and juiciness in meat.
  4. The five-star quality of bag dry aged meat.
  5. Why resting meat is a mistake.
So, before hitting the grill, take a read. That dry aged steak you're waiting for will thank you.